Important Numbers
Main Office
P: 763-745-5300
F: 763-745-5391
24-Hour Attendance Line
Wayzata Kids
School Hours
8:30 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
Wayzata Kids Hours
Before school 7:00-8:30 a.m.
After school 3:10-6:00p.m.
Emergency Closings
Main Office Staff
Ashley Farrington
Lauren Hansen
Dean of Students
Jesse Lundquist
Building Administrative Professional
Resource Staff
Katie Arneson
Health Paraprofessional
Stacy Schmidt, RN, LSN
Licensed School Nurse
Kathy Banks
Social Worker
Michele Mondoux
Family Partnership Lead
Peter Olson
Wayzata KidsManager
Reporting Absences in Skyward Family Access
- Please report absences in Skyward Family Access when your child is absent or tardy. Children are considered unexcused without a call to the attendance line from a parent or guardian.
- When you are submitting the attendance request in Skyward Family Access, you must be logged in as a parent, not a student.
- You can still call the school to report an absence and we recommend calling if it is a last-minute request.
- A current phone number must be on file in case of an emergency. If your phone number has changed, please update Skyward Family Access.
When to keep your child home from school
- District Attendance Policy
- Health Office
District Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy
Wayzata Public Schools recognizes that daily attendance is critical to academic achievement. It is our goal to work with students, families, and the community to support regular school attendance and improve academic achievement. Please call your school for further assistance or questions about the attendance policy.
For every absence, log into the Skyward Family Access Absence Notification System or call the Attendance Line at 763-745-5355 no later than 10:00 a.m. the day of the absence.
It’s the Law!
Minnesota law states that all students are required to attend school from age 7, or when they enter kindergarten (whichever comes first) until they are 18 years old. A student’s failure to attend school may lead to legal action for the parents/guardians and the student.
What are excused absences?
- Doctor/Medical Appointment - Student has an appointment with a medical, dental, or counseling professional. Please try to schedule appointments for after school hours.
- Family Emergency - May include funerals or other extenuating circ*mstances facing the family including weather.
- Illness - Student is unable to attend school due to fever, nausea, etc. Students must be fever and vomit free (without medication) for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Religious Holiday/Instruction - Religious observance that requires the student be out of school. Religious Instruction not to exceed three (3) hours a week.
- Vacation/Activity - The family will be out of town on a school day. The student has a non-school activity that requires them to be out of class. Vacations require prior approval from the building principal. Please do not schedule vacation during testing dates.
Extended Leaves
A leave of fifteen (15) days or more will require re-enrollment through the Welcome Center. Homework is not provided for extended leaves.
Early Pick-Up
Early pick-up is the same as arriving late. Students leaving a few minutes early often miss important last minute instructions and/or reminders. Interrupting classes to call students to the office distracts other students and interrupts the end of the day classroom routines. Early dismissals should occur only in rare circ*mstances.
Wayzata District Policy and MN State Law states:
- After three unexcused absences, a parent/guardian will be notified and a meeting with the school will be scheduled.
- After six unexcused absences the parent will be notified and a letter will be sent to the county.
- After nine unexcused absences, a letter will be sent to Hennepin County Attorney’s Officebe@school program to initiate a truancy referral. A county caseworker will be assigned.
- After fifteen unexcused absences, a letter will be sent to Hennepin County Attorney’s Office be@school program to initiate a truancy referral and further intervention will be determined by the county.
Health Office
Health Services and Immunization Forms
Medications at School
Student Health Plans
When to keep your child home from school
Health Screening
District Health Services
Birchview Health Office:
Kathryn Arneson
Health Paraprofessional
Stacy Schmidt, RN, LSN
Licensed School Nurse
We recognize that healthy children are better learners. Our licensed school nurses and school-based health paraprofessionals work collaboratively to promote the health and safety of our students.
The role of licensed school nurses
Our licensed school nurses provide care in concert with health paraprofessionals for students at all schools. They perform the following services:
- provide needed physical assessment, direct nursing care and specialized health procedures to students
- develop and assist with the implementation of individual health plans for students with chronic health conditions
- train and support school staff to assist students' needs as identified by their health plans
- serve as in-house resources, liaisons and advocates for students, parents and community service organizations regarding individual and general health care issues
The role of health paraprofessionals
Our health paraprofessionals work in the school health offices under the supervision of the licensed school nurse. They are certified in CPR and First Aid and receive targeted health education on pertinent school health-related topics such as diabetes, anaphylaxis, asthma and epilepsy. They perform the following services:
- provide direct care to students who become ill during the school day
- administer medications
- assist district nurses with the prevention and control of communicable diseases
- distribute communicable disease information to school staff and parents as needed
- assist with vision and hearing screening programs